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what ive found so far on my quest for an a/c on budget


New member
so now that the baby almost here ive been looking hard for an a/c on a budget so heres what i found so far'

1. a complete bug a/c from the dealer get this brand new still in package form the early 70s early early 80s 500$
2. A complete bug a/c used in great working condition 400$
3.a guy with brand new a/c components in all shapes and sizes willing to put me together a complete system for 300$

5.lol this has nothing to do with a/c but i came across an ultra rare complete stripper dune buggy body with both tops never built or painted 500$

so now im just waiting to see how compact the system the guy is putting together for me then imm gonna make my decision just hope i can stop thinking bout that stripper lol*hmmm*
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Honorary Admin
:D Post the like of the Stripper, or photos if you've got 'em. I've never seen one outside of sales ads. As for the a/c components... if you have a guy that will build you a system for $300 and it's compact enough - that's a no brainer. Early systems (before 1990) used the R12 refrigerant, which is a) illegal and b) available through eBay stores *laugh*. Make sure that if you get an early system that all the components are able to play with the refrigerant - compressors are picky about what they work with and need the correct oils in order to do so.


New member
thanks dave the used system was converted over to r34 and sorry no pics of the stripper and im mad as hell cant find the add


New member
condenser my uncle gave to me

came across this my uncle had this stored away in his garage layin and gave it to me may sell it or trade it it has a vintage aire sticker on it spelled with an e and the switches, its 15in wide and 15 1/2 in long marked with red line wudda you guys thank in this ever so quest for that cool breeze


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Honorary Admin
That looks like a nice compact little unit. The evaporator units rarely go bad; all you'll need are the hoses, compressor, evap plate, binary switch and drier. Go for it!