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Brett Proctor

Well-known member
KTM_X-Bow GT-XR.jpg


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People seem polarized on this car. I’ve heard people rave about it, which is fine.

I dunno. It’s cool, but it doesn’t get my heart pumping. It looks “busy.” And it has a weird “looks like every Le Mans car ever made” vibe to it. I’m impressed by the engineering and the specs. But I don’t feel like it has its own unique personality. I’m just “meh” on the X-Bow.

Don’t get me wrong; I’d take one if you gave it to me. But then I'd fairly quickly sell it for a car that has different charisma. I don’t know why I don’t like it more.


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Staff member
Here is the starting line of a recent Le Mans. Spot the X-Bow. (Hint: There isn’t one, but every car looks like one.) I dunno. I just don’t like that style. It’s cool that they are using a lifting canopy, though.

Brett Proctor

Well-known member
I just found it interesting that they're using the same ingress/egress design as the sterling. A design that is over 50 years old.

They call it a clam shell design I think.
I wonder why they chose to use that instead of one of the more conventual designs.


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Yep, I thought their use of a Sterling-like canopy was interesting and cool, too.

Yeah, sorry… my slight editorialization was directed more at an audience that isn’t here. That car came up on a FB page a while ago and I kinda remember one or two people commenting that they felt it was a good example of “the future of the Sterling” (or something similar.) And I disagree. The X-Bow is a very nicely done Le Mans-ish race car. It’s not the future of the Sterling, in my humble opinion.

But I know what they mean in so far as appreciating that those designers made a truly high-performance car, not just a sheep in wolfe’s clothing.

Brett Proctor

Well-known member
Sorry, Didn't know I touched a nerve with this.

Its real easy for people to say what it should look like but most people have no clue whats involved in building a car like that.
Even if evolved to look like that how many could afford it. And then if it were available in kit form how many would finish it or butcher it putting it together.
So many times I've seen the sterling mickey moused together ( sub standard work and materials) and then the car gets a bad rap.

I get tired of hearing people ( not all ) say what a piece of junk the car is. The car is only as good as the builder builds it. Its not the cars fault.