No problem Dale. Even us 'old school' owners are still learning stuff every day. With some of the new technologies, undoubtedly there will be a/c alternatives and more reliable heat in small packages. As for the heat source... yes, stock VW is still one of the best despite rumors to the contrary. Install new heater boxes and seals, and shlep some insulated ductwork into the car, and you'll be cooking toes in no time.
A/C is, of course, a different story. I'm sure you've read through most of the posts concerning adding a system and have seen the complete systems offered by companies such as ICE and Gilmore Enterprises. Both have stand-offs for the compressor, and there are several other companies that offer custom compressor stands that eliminate the fuel pump. But yes, they definitely do rob some horsepower. I've noticed it from a standing start though cruising speed isn't too bad at all. I'll be re-vamping my system over the winter to be hopefully far more efficient... keep your eyes on upcoming posts!