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Difference in size of side windows in Sebring vs Sebring II


New member
approximately how many sebring II kits were built? i am in the process of buying one and was just wondering. i know the windshield and back glass are different, but is the side windows different than that of a sterling? could i call dave from sterling sports cars and just buy the two side windows? thanks, bill*hmmm*


Honorary Admin
Hi Bill,
There were 450 known bodies between both versions of the Sebring. The Turbo version had the longer production run (series II), but the actual production numbers really aren't known. Best guess is somewhere around 300 or so. The side windows should be a very close fit if not right on from a Sterling. Oddly, that's one item we didn't compare when we had the cars together last year at Carlisle. Hopefully this year we'll get the same folks back and we'll make a more solid comparison. In the meantime I'll post a CAD drawing of the Sterling window - take your own measurements and compare.

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Size of side window of Sterling vs Sebring kit car

Hi Bill.

Regarding the size of the side windows of the Sebring versus the Sterling, I think it depends on which Sebring model you're talking about. I know for sure that the side windown of the Sebring II are definitely bigger than those on the Sterling and therefore are not a direct fit. I've always thought that the side windows of the original Sebring are exact copies of the Sterling's, but I've never been able to confirm that.

Here is a link to my tutorial on the differences between the two versions of the Sebring. You can see the differences in the windows when you roll over the link that shows the differences in the rooflines.

Or better yet, here is a capture of that particular graphic. The two on the left are the original Sebring and the two on the right are the Sebring II. The photos are not distorted in any way, and it's not just your imagination or a difference in camera angle. Note how the roof (and side window) of the Sebring II are taller.


Just to correct and clarify one thing from this thread: Surprisingly, the front windshields of the Sebring and Sebring II are NOT different from each other (..a fact which I am 98% but not 100% confident in.) None of us know for sure, but it appears as though, in the Sebring II, they used the exact same windshield but increased headroom by tilting the windshield UP a little more at the roof. Te entire roof is about 2 inches higher, straight up. (In later versions of the Eureka, it was higher in the front but not in the rear, which is why the roof of the later model Eureka looks a little different than any other variant.) Anyway, like you said, this changes the height and shape of the rear window. And it changes the height and front angles of the side windows. But the front windscreen is the same. We think. :D

But anyway, if I remember correctly, you have one of the Sebring IIs, so please be careful when trying to source that window.

The good news is that the side windows are simply a flat piece of safety glass. Thus it is relatively easy for a glass shop to recreate one. I don't think Dave (Sterling Sports Cars) has Sebring II side windows, but PLEASE double check me on that for yourself. Even if he doesn't, he can probably tell you who he uses to source the Sterling side windows.

Hope this helps. :)


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A good question (see above) came up about Sebring windshields in another area of the forum. I'm, cross posting it here as well.