Perfect Cimbria glass
Hello everyone, it's me, Fuzz. Let me begin by making a statement first. Please don't feel obligated or feel like there is any pressure on anyone to buy a glass. I have accepted the fact that I am eating the cost and I'm moving on. When I began this costly adventure, I knew full well there was a high probability that I would never recover the cost of the mold. But I wanted a new glass because I needed one, so I made the conscious decision to fork up the money. I guess what really convinced me to do it is the fact I have been diligently and tirelessly looking for a company to make a laminated windshield for me, at a reasonable cost, and the closest I had come to it was an outfit in Ohio that wanted over $15,000 for the mold to be cast. I have their written quote; if anyone really wants to read it I will e-mail it to you.
Anyway, the first glass I received was off by a bit in the center of the top. There was a gap there and although gaps are okay (to a limit) due to the fact that the epoxy or butyl used will fill in any small gaps, I felt this one was just not close enough for the money I had dished out.
I contacted the company owner and explained my disapproval. To make a long story short, he cast the next and third mold himself and fired the employee who had cast the second mold because in the meantime he had messed up another project. He was new and obviously the company couldn't keep covering the cost of his mistakes. Just as a side note, the first mold produced a glass with some waves and they were not happy with it, so they decided on their own to build the second one, which lead to the third mold. Following me???
The bottom line is that this past Monday they shipped me a brand new windshield which was cast from the third mold. I can't emphasize enough how beautiful this glass is. It fits perfectly. PERFECTLY!!! It is without any ripples. It's simply awesome that after all these years I have an actual laminated windshield created solely for the Cimbria.
Warren came over yesterday and saw it for himself, and by the look on his face, I think he approves and does so with great enthusiasm. I also showed him the first glass and my original glass so there would not be any doubts that this is in fact the second windshield the company had shipped to me. Not that he would ever doubt me, but I just wanted another witness to testify to that fact in this forum.
So there you have it. The windshield is completed, and available for the first time in 25 years. That's a long time. Price is $1,470 plus shipping. If I was independently wealthy, I would buy 100 of them and give them away for free just to see all of you finish your cars and get them back on the road. But I am not wealthy. I am just a happy guy with a good windshield hoping others can benefit from my stubbornness. I simply refused to give up and my pocket is a lot lighter, but now we all have a solution.
Good luck and God Bless.