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Carlisle 2014


Active member
I can be there only for one day, so based on previous event which day has the most number of cars and action?


New member
I leave for Carlisle one week from today (I'll be spending two days to get there). Is there anything that I need to bring ... besides my smiling, heavily-padded, and sufficiently-guarded self, Rick?


Honorary Admin
:D Just your smiling face, Ken! Still don't know what I'm doing yet for the weekend. My work schedule is really wonky the next couple of weeks, so I don't know if I'm "camping" that weekend or just coming up for Saturday. We won't have a tent this year, so bring sunblock or a pop-up if you want to!


Honorary Admin
Can I get a count of how many folks will be showing with their car? Just getting numbers together for the Carlisle Club Challenge.


I am going to be there with my car. I have registered, paid, and already received my entrance ticket sticker. But you said they don't have anyone registered for the Sterling Club. I am fairly sure I registered under the club (where else would I register under?), but now I am second guessing myself. Where is our final designated gathering place on the grounds?


Honorary Admin
If you said 'Sterling Club' they probably wouldn't have caught it, knowing the people there. We're actually listed under 'National Sterling Owners'. But that's ok.. if other guys are coming with their cars, when you register, just mention that name and they should be able to find you on the list.

As for a gathering place.. Ed B. confirmed that there will be places on the "main" field near the grandstand (sort of) in front of building F, in rows 1A, 1B and 1C. There will be the Race Paddock there along with a Nissan display and the Standard of Excellence tent. So.. I would like to park somewhere in that area - just look for the signs directing for the kit parking.
I will probably be there

Hey Rick and others,

I will probably be there again this year, but again, just to browse - no car to show off yet. Will Warren be making it this year? I didn't see him on this thread, but seeing as it's in his back yard, I'd think so. Look forward to seeing you all and meeting some new Sterlingphiles.

Former Sterling owner and sterlingcentral.com dude.


Honorary Admin
*thumbs up* Looking better and better - rain supposed to taper off by 2PM tomorrow; Saturday and Sunday in the low 60's and sunny! Perfect!


Honorary Admin
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Kickin' it at Carlisle after dinner. Rain is out - cool sleeping weather tonight!


Honorary Admin
*na-na-na* Yes. Too difficult to upload phone photos, so you'll just have to wait a day or two. Ken says 'hi', you wuss.