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Bubbles, lots of bubbles... and some groans


Active member
I FINALLY have the hydraulics connected and working... sorta.

1. I over filled the reservoir a little, no biggie. but when bringing the top down, there are LOTS of bubbles in the fluid. I'm guessing this is just due to a lot of air still in the lines?

2. The drivers side moves well before the passenger side, it's up a good 2" maybe more, before the passenger sides starts moving.

3. Groans, lots of them the first half of the canopy lifting distance. Then it quiets down. Does anyone else have groaning? Do I need to loosen some bolts a little to let things settle into proper place? Should I be greasing any of the rotating parts?

Oh, and fully side note, when you open the emergency valve, the top drops much faster than I thought it would, but it's a controlled drop. Nothing that would break the glass, thankfully.


Honorary Admin
Most hydraulic pump units are self-purging, Nic. Cycle the top a half dozen times until the bubbles clear. They will. The rams should start to move more evenly as it purges - your passenger ram is the side that has the bubbles. Double check all your connections to make sure there isn't any leaks, of course!


Active member
Thanks Rick! I appreciate your insight. It'll be a day or two before I can try this. I'll let yall know.


Active member
I 100% agree with Rick. My heart sank when my canopy didn't lift the first dozen tries. After a few more full cycles it did. Just keep an eye on the fluid levels as you do as you will have to add fluid until it's properly bled.