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2015 Purvis Eureka Annual Meet


New member
Ok, so late posting, the annual meet is this weekend! This year we're up in Ballina on the north coast of NSW. It's a lovely location, not that I've been there, but a quick Google shows off a nice section of the coastline.

This years trip is around a 1334 klm (829 mile) round trip, or about 7.5 hour trip one way, + rest stops.

My 'reek is off the road, so I'll be taking the Camry on it's last long road trip. I've gone and bought myself a brand new car, but in my usual style, I must have started arranging it a week too late as it arrives next tuesday. Bummer. Would have been an awesome cruise to break the car in. I'm getting a Toyota 86 GT. Starting to think I like impractical cars with Subaru engines that aren't themselves Subaru. lol

Of course, I'll take plenty of photos, and according to Google, the weather forecast is for friday to be mostly sunny, but the weekend clear and sunny with a maximum of 26* C (78* F) Should be an awesome weekend!



New member
So what do you do in Australia when your car club has already been to a skid pan and taken your car on to a go cart track? Go to the beach. ..

And I've got a wicked sunburn. Damn my English / Irish ancestry. 8p


New member
Ok people!!

After getting home last night and soaking for a long time in the bath (nice case of a bad sunburn), I felt completely zonked out. The Ballina Boys (and they're amazing Bosses!!
) put on an amazing meet. So I went to bed early and only now have uploaded photos If you missed out, you missed out!!

So, lets share the love, and show those poor people what they missed out on.


























New member





This was the meet that broke my PhotoBucket account, it got too full! Over 2 gig of car photos, and mainly Eurekas! So I upgraded, and now have a paid PhotoBucket account.

I did take some videos with my digital camera, and they look ok on the camera and computer, but so so good once on PhotoBucket. I might try YouTube later. And the battery in my camera went flat on the beach, so I took a few more photos with my phone, which I've yet to get off the phone. They'll be posted here of course.

My PhotoBucket Account.


Honorary Admin
Great stuff Cyco! Looked like an awesome series of days (or was it all in one day?). The giant prawn kind of freaks me out, though... *laugh*


New member
Not a problem. This years meet, while certainly one of the best ever, was a small one with a maximum of 9 cars turning out. Most we've had is 21! :D


New member
Ok, so, when we were on the beach, I had the poor timing of having the battery in my digital camera go flat. And I don't have a spare. I'll either fix that or wait until I get a new camera and make sure I get an extra battery for that one. So I took a few photos using the camera on my phone. Now where near as good as a proper digital camera, but still ok. I only just got them uploaded to my PhotoBucket account.












This was the extent of the photos I took at the beach. I was well on the way to baking, and retreated to the shade of a large quadbike driven by Davids boss, Helen. At least it was out of the direct sun, but I was still copping the reflected glare from the surf & the beach.


New member
Great stuff Cyco! Looked like an awesome series of days (or was it all in one day?). The giant prawn kind of freaks me out, though... *laugh*

Sorry, didn't notice your post. Yours, and my reply to ratrog, were done at the same time! lol

Our annual meets are a long weekend. Typically on the friday, people start turning up from about midday to mid afternoon. It's usually just a 'meet & greet', possibly a bbq as the dinner, depending on weather & location. Saturday is usually the main 'event's' day, most of the driving around is done on the saturday, might be to a winery or a lookout, anything really. Sunday we have the actual AGM, usually in the morning, but we have done it later. The rest of the day is a bit of a gathering, or we might do a few more drives. A few meets I've had a couple people ask me about the Subaru engine in my car and how it performs, etc. They usually ask for a drive, I tend to throw them the keys. Even if they haven't driven a Eureka before. If they want to buy one, they need to know the good points & bad points. Or even if they fit in the car. If they haven't driven one before, I'll tell them to approach a few other club members with different engine configurations, just to get a better idea.

Monday is usually just breakfast and go. This depends on where the meet is and where you live. When it was at Bathurst, I left around midday as it's only about a 4 hour drive home for me. This year, it's a day's drive, somewhere around the 9 hour mark with fuel & rest stops. So, you could say 4 days, really more like 3 days, with the main event over the actual saturday/sunday.

Oh, the Big Prawn. I knwo you guys have those quirky tourist traps in the US as well. I think we've got a couple hundred of them scattered all over Oz. Ballana's just happens to be the Big Prawn.



Well-known member
I think its awesome that you guys actually do this let alone make 3 or 4 days of it. Its hard to get people together in this country for a half day Saturday. I can't imagine people driving 9 hours for a club meet. I'm just as guilty as the rest and my free time is always accounted for. You Aussies ROCK! *rock on* *rock on* *rock on* *rock on* *rock on* *rock on* *rock on* *rock on* *rock on* *rock on*


New member
Thanks dude. You just have to remember that we're a specialized club, for just one particular VW based kit car, with most of us spread out over this wide brown land. In most cases, it's a 2 day drive from state capital to state capital. Well, down the east coast. Go west, and the drive is huge. Take when we had out meet in Mildura a few years ago (we actually went there twice). From my place, it's about a 16 hour drive. I could have done it in one day, I do drive for a living and whilst that would be a long day at work, I have done it. But I made that a two day drive, in part to take it easy and enjoy the drive, and I wasn't driving down myself, we had a small convoy going on. So we stopped at a country town on the way down, and again on the way back. So those particular meet, it was a 6 day event for those of us in that small convoy (3 eurekas).

And in most cases, we're spread out fairly thin. It's basically the only meet of the year for most of us. There's a thick patch of Eurekas down in Adelaide, so they have a monthly mini meet. But that's just them. So it's the annual meet for the rest of us, or nothing. We can and do go to local show & shines (mind you, I haven't been to one in a few years myself), but they're not just for us.